Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Silk and Painting Pendants

I've recently stocked my etsy shop with NEW pendants. Some are made from painted papers from my workshop on Star Island.
One of a kind, looks like stained glass., reversible. These are original paintings not prints.
Pendant Paintings Paper.jpg

Or the plastic tablecloth that was too pretty to throw away.

Pendant Paintings Plastic.jpg

2 original acrylic paintings on paper captured between 2 panes of glass that are soldered together. Solder is silver and can be polished with silver cloth or polish. Sold with a 16 inch black leather cord necklace

Painting pendants 2.jpg

Painting Pendants 1.jpg

Painting Pend Long.jpg

Here's a few that are made from canvas with a layer of silk.
Silk Canvas Feather 3 .jpg

Silk Canvas Feather.jpg

Brown Canvas and Silk 3.jpg

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Inspiring Artist

Naoko Serino
Naoko Serino Aroused.jpg


Naoko Serino is a Japanese artists sculpting jute fiber into beautiful forms. Her website calls her work "Three-dimensional expression using jute that contains light and air." I call it, wow!

Naoko Serino The Ball You Blow.jpg

The Ball You Blow

Naoko Serino Generating 5-B.jpg

Generating 5-B

Naoko Serino Generating 8-A.jpg

Generating 8-A