I've been selected to participate in Art in the Open Philadelphia, May 18 - 20, 2012 along the Schuylkill River Banks. Art in the Open (AiO) is a citywide event that celebrates artists, their inspirations for creating art, and their relationships with the urban environment. The above picture was taken on the Schuylkill River Trail, near 23rd and Race a few weeks ago.
What is this event exactly? Well it's not an art fair. I'm not selling my work this weekend I'm creating the work. It's in the tradition of en plein air painting a French expression which means "in the open air", and is particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors. I'll be working in acrylic paint, watercolor and colored inks for the convenience of their quick drying qualities. With the support of an opportunity grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts I purchased fluid acrylics, pouring medium, wood panels and some large pieces of Plexiglas to paint on. I'll also bring some primed and unprimed stretched canvases and watercolor paper.
My work is about nature and the connection between man and nature. It seems fitting to make my work outside on location en plein air. My process is pouring thinned paint, allowing it to run and puddle like liquids in nature. The result is patterns similar to waterways. There is a correlation between these imaginary waterways and our own circulatory system, illustrating the connection between earth and mankind. I usually work in a climate-controlled studio so I’m interested in taking on the challenge of working outdoors. This will push my work forward as I embrace chance and make nature my muse and partner. I will invite whatever effect wind, sun, and rain have on the work. That's what I wrote for my proposal anyway but it looks like it's going to be beautiful weather those 3 days.
I'm really looking forward to this opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone and see what happens. The finished work will be exhibited at the Independence Seaport Museum, Philadelphia, June 14 - September 9, 2012.
If you are thinking about coming out this weekend there will be 17 other artists working in a variety of styles and fun, family art activities scheduled throughout the event. Check the Art in the Open website for dates, times and locations. I will be doing real time updates on my location and progress on my Linda Celestian Artist Facebook page. Follow the link and "Like" my page.
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